Monday, October 31, 2016

Pompeii and the Beauty of Italian Furniture

I took a trip recently to Pompeii, and one of the things that struck me most was the sophistication of the city. Having not seen it in decades, I had forgotten how advanced the Romans were in terms of the logistics of design. Of course we all know that the Romans were geniuses when it came to everything from aqueducts, roads, architecture and all of the great monuments that remain a testament to their abilities. But Pompeii was something different. It is the only ancient town of which the whole topographic structure is known precisely as it was, with no later modifications or additions. That means that everything we see there is as it was when Vesuvius destroyed the city in 79AD.

And what we see is spectacular. The walls are covered with frescos full of brilliant colors and imagery… and a good bit of the imagery is… shall we say, off color, actually. At the height of first century Rome, Pompeii had been transformed into a vacation paradise sitting just south of Vesuvius, not far from the sea. And the Romans outfitted their vacation homes with wonderful furniture and sculptures and frescos. While beds were often – but not always – made of stone and carved into the homes themselves, chairs and tables were common, the latter often covered with colorful tapestries or cloth. The Romans were largely focused on beauty, and comfort was often secondary, if a consideration at all… which might partially explain the stone beds. But at the end of the day, Roman homes were brilliantly colorful and often beautifully decorated.

And it is in tribute to that Roman tradition of beautiful decoration that we showcase some of our new Italian items… perfect for any summer villa or even a home in town!

Brightly colored frescos in Pompeii

Rococo Style Mirror

19th Century Painted Sofa Bench

18th Century Demi-Lune Table

Stone "beds" built into a bedroom in a Pompeiian home

Pair of Candlestick Lamps
Carved Gilt Wood Stool

Giltwood Chandelier

18th Century Carved Angel
Three Nesting Tables

A fresco depicting the Roman goddess Venus

Elegant Vintage Bench
Six Italian Baroque Style Chairs
Wooden Mirror
Pair of Medici Urns Prickets

A table in Pompeii

An Italian Six-Light Chandelier
Pair of 19th Century Chairs
Pair of Crystal Sconces

A richly decorated marble table in Pompeii, possibly from a column