Sometimes there are things that we take for granted because they seem so obvious and straight forward that we can’t imagine a time when they didn’t exist or at least weren't very common. One example… space. Not the kind of space with the stars and planets, but rather, the empty space between words. Believe it or not, that little space has only been around since the 8th century when monks decided that readingasentencewithoutspaceswastoohard… Can you imagine trying to get through War & Peace without spaces? Even Harry Potter wouldn’t have been much fun.
Another example is the wheel. The west has had wheels for thousands of years going back far beyond Egyptian and Roman chariots. In the Americas however, the wheel didn’t really exist until the Europeans brought it with them. Which probably explains why there’s no equivalent to “All roads lead to Rome” here…
Then of course there are chairs… The basic concept of a chair as we know it today was largely foreign to most people until the middle ages. It’s not exactly that chairs didn’t exist, they did, but the idea of a chair you can pull up to the dinner table or that you can crowd around a games table to play cards didn’t really exist for most people until after the Dark Ages.
Before that the notion of sitting did exist, but chairs weren’t really part of the equation. Archaeological digs suggest that seats existed in China as far back as 10,000 BC, but they were far from chairs however, probably just blocks of stone for one or more person to sit on. Indeed, although seating elements existed, most Chinese did not use them, preferring instead to kneel or sit on pillows or mats on the ground. Today this culture has been abandoned in much of the Far East, but it remains in some places, most notably in Japan where cushions and low tables are widespread.
The Egyptians used seating as well, and did indeed actually have chairs. Early indications are that chairs evolved from simple backless stools to sophisticated chairs with backs over 5,000 years ago. By the time of King Tut in fact, chairs were nothing less than works of art unto themselves. His tomb included a number of dazzling gold plated benches and chairs.
Hieroglyphic evidence from ancient Egypt suggests that chair usage, while not as pervasive as in modern times, was found at all levels of society. This did not mean however that chair usage was common. In fact, chairs were often ceremonial pieces and were usually reserved for the head of the household. For those in the society's the lower economic strata, seats were usually little more than a stool with no back while those in the upper strata would have ornate chairs that bring to mind something closer to a throne than a chair. Interestingly, the root of the word chair actually means to sit or rest, which any common person could do, while the root of the word throne means to support, as in support the nobility or royalty.
The contributions of Egyptian artisans are said to have laid the foundation for all seating furniture: These early examples demonstrate basic woodworking skill, which gradually gave way to advanced techniques in woodworking, including sophisticated joints, veneering, ivory and precious metal inlays, and cushioning of virtually all available materials.
The use of seating was common in other cultures as well in the centuries before Christ. In Mesopotamia, where most citizens lived at ground level – resting on mats and rugs – nobility typically enjoyed seating of various sorts, particularly chairs. Interestingly, unlike the Egyptians, whose chairs evolved to curve to the body, in the various kingdoms of Mesopotamia they seem to have stuck with the rigid and straight construction which was much more formal.
On the island of Crete, the Palace of Minos at Knossos showcased 2nd century Minoan seating with a throne carved into the stone wall, and benches lining the remainder of the walls. Later the Greeks would develop an extensive array of seating, from stools to chairs to lounge beds, although seating remained elements of the daily life largely for – although not exclusively – the well to do citizens. Importantly, the Greeks seem to have elevated the notion of comfort in the area of seating, departing from prior civilizations where functionality was usually the driving force.
With the Romans however, the bed began to take primacy as the place where men would spend much, if not most of their time. Indeed, between eating, reading, writing and entertaining there probably wasn’t a great deal they did outside of their beds other than maybe visiting the baths or the Coliseum. Everyone else, including women, children and servants were largely relegated to benches or stools. Eventually however women seem to have transitioned to the use of beds as the primary locus of the day’s activity as well.
After the fall of the Roman Empire seating virtually disappeared from the west as the conquering nomadic tribes had little use for carting around furniture they were unfamiliar with in the first place and which would needlessly weigh them down in the second. All was not lost however as the Church would keep seating from completely disappearing in the west so that it could emerge centuries later and achieve unimagined heights.
Another example is the wheel. The west has had wheels for thousands of years going back far beyond Egyptian and Roman chariots. In the Americas however, the wheel didn’t really exist until the Europeans brought it with them. Which probably explains why there’s no equivalent to “All roads lead to Rome” here…
Then of course there are chairs… The basic concept of a chair as we know it today was largely foreign to most people until the middle ages. It’s not exactly that chairs didn’t exist, they did, but the idea of a chair you can pull up to the dinner table or that you can crowd around a games table to play cards didn’t really exist for most people until after the Dark Ages.
Before that the notion of sitting did exist, but chairs weren’t really part of the equation. Archaeological digs suggest that seats existed in China as far back as 10,000 BC, but they were far from chairs however, probably just blocks of stone for one or more person to sit on. Indeed, although seating elements existed, most Chinese did not use them, preferring instead to kneel or sit on pillows or mats on the ground. Today this culture has been abandoned in much of the Far East, but it remains in some places, most notably in Japan where cushions and low tables are widespread.
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Throne discovered in the tomb of King Tut |
Hieroglyphic evidence from ancient Egypt suggests that chair usage, while not as pervasive as in modern times, was found at all levels of society. This did not mean however that chair usage was common. In fact, chairs were often ceremonial pieces and were usually reserved for the head of the household. For those in the society's the lower economic strata, seats were usually little more than a stool with no back while those in the upper strata would have ornate chairs that bring to mind something closer to a throne than a chair. Interestingly, the root of the word chair actually means to sit or rest, which any common person could do, while the root of the word throne means to support, as in support the nobility or royalty.
The contributions of Egyptian artisans are said to have laid the foundation for all seating furniture: These early examples demonstrate basic woodworking skill, which gradually gave way to advanced techniques in woodworking, including sophisticated joints, veneering, ivory and precious metal inlays, and cushioning of virtually all available materials.
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Throne and benches in the Palace of Minos |
On the island of Crete, the Palace of Minos at Knossos showcased 2nd century Minoan seating with a throne carved into the stone wall, and benches lining the remainder of the walls. Later the Greeks would develop an extensive array of seating, from stools to chairs to lounge beds, although seating remained elements of the daily life largely for – although not exclusively – the well to do citizens. Importantly, the Greeks seem to have elevated the notion of comfort in the area of seating, departing from prior civilizations where functionality was usually the driving force.
With the Romans however, the bed began to take primacy as the place where men would spend much, if not most of their time. Indeed, between eating, reading, writing and entertaining there probably wasn’t a great deal they did outside of their beds other than maybe visiting the baths or the Coliseum. Everyone else, including women, children and servants were largely relegated to benches or stools. Eventually however women seem to have transitioned to the use of beds as the primary locus of the day’s activity as well.
After the fall of the Roman Empire seating virtually disappeared from the west as the conquering nomadic tribes had little use for carting around furniture they were unfamiliar with in the first place and which would needlessly weigh them down in the second. All was not lost however as the Church would keep seating from completely disappearing in the west so that it could emerge centuries later and achieve unimagined heights.

Among items found in King Tut's tomb were chairs, beds and stools.
A Pair of 19th Century Italian Painted Curule Chairs
A French Late 19th Century- Early 20th Century Louis XVI Style Marquise Chair

A chair found in King Tut's tomb.
An Exquisite Swedish 19th Century Neoclassical Painted Wood Upholstered Tub Chair
Fifth century BC Persian King Darius on his throne. Notice the footstool to help maintain good posture.
A Pair of Italian "Dante" Style Wooden Chairs

Athenian politician Xanthippos sitting on a klismos chair.
An Italian Early 19th Century Wooden Chair with Animal Feet and Semi-Circular Back